(Note: I have not been financially compensated by anyone in any way at any time for writing this blog. If anyone wants to change that, I'm open.)
I have always been skeptical of Special K. Model-thin women lamenting that they can't lose the five pounds they gained over the winter and then claiming success based on a bowl of breakfast cereal has never resonated with me.
The "Special K Diet," in which one eats a bowl of cereal for breakfast and lunch, then has a "sensible dinner," likewise resulted in eye- rolls. This is not Special K's fault; I had a friend who decided to combine the Special K diet with Atkins, which led to spectacular failure. Who would have thought a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet would be inconsistent with a no-carb, high-fat diet? Everyone else in the world, that's who.
When Special K began branching into diet foods, my eyes rolled again. Bars, drinks, shakes... Really? Who won't put out those things these days? I can't wait for the Froot Loop diet.
But now I am eating my words (which, thankfully, are zero-calorie). I have met my Special K match. And by "match" I mean "the thing I want by my side for the rest of my life."
Special K Cracker Chips.
(That picture is, I believe, of the British version, because in Britain chips are "crisps" and fries are "chips" and language is "confusing.")
I miss chips. The crunch, the salt, the crunch, the salt... There's not much to chips, when you get down to it, but I love 'em. Potato chips are right out for me now. Baked chips taste like giant flakes of Special K. Pretzels are okay, but sometimes you really want a chip, you know?
Special K Cracker Chips (I like the sour cream & onion flavor) are 110 calories for 27 CHIPS. Let me repeat that. 110 calories for 27 CHIPS. Yes, there are 22 grams of carbs in a serving, but 3 grams of dietary fiber and only 1 gram of sugar. 2 grams of protein. 2.5 grams of fat, only .5 grams of which is saturated. No cholesterol. Very little in vitamins, but that's okay. I'll eat them gladly when I need my chip fix, and feel no shame.
Well, very little.
Ragged Ann
“All the other kids were terrified of the giant doll, but not our
granddaughter.” (submitted by Peggy)
The post Ragged Ann appeared first on AwkwardFamil...
1 day ago
Are they tasty? I've tried those Lay's baked chips and I wanted to kill my poor mouth. Blech.
I really like them, but my tastes have changed a lot. They don't have that weird cereal type taste that baked chips have. They're kind of hearty, really. I think they're quite tasty.
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