Time: Monday, around 6:30 p.m.
Place: The Folksy Bathroom
Players: Dexy and Mom.
Dexy: Mommy, you know what?
Mom: What?
Dexy: Everybody's got a butt.
Mom: (after slight pause) Yes, that's true.
Dexy: And everybody's got bidness. (Note: "Bidness" is Folksy-speak for gender-specific anatomy.)
Mom: (cautiously) Yes, they do.
Dexy: But boys and girls have different bidness.
Mom: Yes.
Dexy: And we all have two eyes.
Mom: Yes.
Dexy: And a nose.
Mom: That's right, honey.
Dexy: I want some cheese.
Ragged Ann
“All the other kids were terrified of the giant doll, but not our
granddaughter.” (submitted by Peggy)
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