It has been 11 weeks and 3 days since my surgery, or 80 days.
I have lost 51 pounds since that date. That is an average of 0.6375 pounds per day. I know this is good, but I'm still struggling with patience. I want to see it come off much faster.
To put that in more perspective, the last time I was at this weight was around the time I got married, in 1999. I've lost 11 years worth of weight in 80 days.
I have lost a shoe size.
I have lost two and a half ring sizes. Many of my favorite pieces do not fit me at all anymore.
I have lost four pants sizes (depending on how you count those things) and four or five shirt sizes.
Highlight to read for female information: I have lost a cup size and two band sizes in my bust.
In personal developments, I can no longer wrestle with Sven, because I no longer outweigh him. I learned this painfully (emotionally painfully) the other day when I refused to get off of the couch for something and he pulled me up. Easily. Then sicced the kids on me.
My hands no longer sweat. Not as much, anyway.
I still don't eat much. I drink a mixture of whey protein and water during the day and generally try for something solid at night. Right now I'm hooked on egg whites. A couple of minutes in a pan with some trans-fat-free-butter-like-spread, sprinkle on some cheese (I use real cheese, in your face, fake cheese!) and I can eat as much as six or seven bites. During the day, I munch on the occasional almond and chewable fiber tablets (the size of baby hockey pucks).
The holidays are coming up, and people are starting to ask (in tones of horror), "What are you going to DO?" Not only Thanksgiving and Christmas, but Princess and Dexy's birthdays are all happening within the same 1-month period. My answer: enjoy it. It will be hard without the food, but it's not like I'm on a diet. I couldn't splurge if I wanted to, and I'm not sure I want to. I'm never hungry. Most food has started to look unappealing to me. When I see a restaurant meal now, I'm actually horrified at the size of the portions. I can remember the days (really, only a couple of months ago!) when I would have looked at the same meal and thought, "I hope that will fill me up!" In other words, my entire attitude toward food and eating are different. It hasn't been easy, but going through all of this has made the weight loss possible for me in a way it would never have been before.
I don't want to make this into a weight-loss blog, but it's hard to write about what's happening in my life without this weight loss. It's become a big deal every day. Getting dressed is even harder now than it used to be, because my pants now literally fall off my body. (Today's project: moving the buttons on a few pairs so the waist will be smaller.)
So it doesn't look like I'll be meeting my goal of 80 pounds lost by my 3-month checkup (in 4 weeks; 29 pounds in 4 weeks is at least a pound a day) but I should be close. After I lose those 29 pounds, I have at least another 50 to lose.
I'll see you when I get there.
Big Red
“My amazing mullet!” (submitted by Annie)
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4 weeks ago