My Gay Uncle Crush: Tim Gunn
As someone with four extremely wonderful, typical, avuncular uncles (I have two Uncle Johns, an uncle Ernie, and an Uncle Jim), I am in desperate need of a witty and fabulous gay uncle. My gay uncle would be confidant, comforter, cheerleader, and gossip partner. Tim would fit this description nicely by using impeccable vocabulary, watching the Oscars with me, and buying my children coordinating outfits. We would lunch together once a month (with him, I could use "lunch" as a verb) and he would encourage me to order salad, then split a rich dessert, assuring me that I had earned it.
My Fictional Character Crush, Book -and- My Fictional Character Crush, Movie:
The Cullens.My Fake Interview Crush: Jon Stewart, The Daily Show
Jon and I would enjoy witty repartee when I visit to plug my new novel, or album, whichever. He would delve into my unique political views, admitting that his were, perhaps, a bit simplistic. However, we would be great friends and I would evenutally share a segment with John Hodgman, who would then invite me to be in the next Mac ad campaign.
Coming soon: My HOB Fantasy Boy Crush, my Comedy Writing Team Crush...